Monday, April 28, 2008

Meet The X-Sports Team

Come Meet The X-Sports Team and see them KILL IT on the BRAND NEW

X-Sports HALFPIPE!!!!!!

May 31st on 2100 and Main in Salt Lake City X-Sports Mgmt. in conjunction with Elite Model Mgmt and Pulse Mgmt. At the SoSaLa MarketPlace Groundbreaking Ceremony. On display will be X-Sports Athletes Bode Merrill, from SLC who was recently in Mack Dawg's "We are People TOO" video, Dave Munoa from Park City , and featured Rider in F.O.D.T. Productions, "State of Mind " and "Cold World" , and Randy Marino, Multi SPORT X-games Veteran, and USASA National Champion. Come See them and the Rest of the X-Sports Team ride the Halfpipe from 7-10 and then Party with them afterwards at the Steet Party!!!

Riders -

Bode Merrill

Dave Munoa

Randy Marino

Pablo Gonzalez

Antho Herran

Casey Nelson

Matt Gold

Drew Brighton

May 31st
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